Portal to youth empowerment organizations and programs involving developing positive programs for youth; facilitating youth and adult interaction to create opportunities for interaction and future program development using existing child development understanding; looking toward the future with education and empirical requirements to facilitate holistic educational practices.
links are always being updated.
Please use Email feature
below to share other sites of importance to the empowerment of our youth.
Articles and Resources…
An Alternative Model of Student Performance
The mission of the Center for the Advancement of Youth, Family & Community
Services, Inc. (The Center) is to promote positive youth development and assist
children through adolescence and on to healthy adulthood.
Peer Resources is a leading authority in North America on peer helping coaching
and mentor program development support and consultation.
Emotional Intelligence in
Schools The underlying
lessons of the current educational paradigm have little to do with the specific
content of education, but rather are closely related to inculcating market logic
and re-enforcing the concomitant drive to increased individualism.
We are a national, non-profit membership organization
of more than 600 independent community
technology centers where people get free or low-cost access to computers and
computer-related technology, such as the Internet, together with learning
opportunities that encourage exploration and discovery.
Awesome Youth Speakers You Should
is a national network of Land Grant university faculty and county Extension
educators working to support community-based educational programs for children,
youth, parents and families.
Bureau for At-Risk Youth… Promoting Growth Through Knowledge
Youth Empowerment
As much
as we'd like to, we can't empower you through this website, but we do hope that
some of the information we've provided will help you along your journey.
Universal Empowerment
is an international network providing transformational educational resources for
Spiritual, Personal, Organizational and Community Empowerment
and resources for peace-building.
This web site offers you some solutions and guidelines on how to deal
with an adolescent who is having severe problems, including those diagnosed with
attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional
defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder
and bipolar disorder.
The youth programs / private boarding schools
are part of the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs. The programs
are to assist parents in dealing with teens that have behavioral problems.
HomeBase Youth Services is a major community-based
youth agency, providing critical and effective services to homeless, runaway and
other at-risk youth in the Phoenix Metro area There are three key messages the
organization sends to youth: 1. You
are valued 2. You are worthy of respect 3. You are
welcomed here
Wilderness Therapy and School Programs for Temperamentally
Difficult Teenagers Who Have Family, Psychological, Behavioral and School
Problems, including ADHD and ODD.
IN ACTION! This area is to promote the awareness and
support of youth who have shown initiative and leadership in promoting improved
services for services for children in/from care...and there are some really
great ones out there!
Hot Teen Topics and Sites
(sponsored by
the Army Teen Panel)
National Youth Development
Information Center… A project of the National Collaboration for Youth.
to Social Policy and Development Website of the Division for Social Policy and Development, Department
of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations
Spirit of Learning
explores the connection between meaningful, life-long learning, human potential
and spiritual development.
Value-Based Strategies to Empower Youths, Families, and
American Youth Policy Forum’s goal is to provide participants with information and insights on
public schools, experiences with youth and youth programs out in the field, and
networks with other policymakers, researchers, and practitioners that will help
them in their work.
The Coca-Cola Valued Youth
Program is a cross-age tutoring program designed to reduce dropout rates among
middle school children who are limited-English-proficient and at risk of leaving
school, for grades 7-8.
This server is a place where youth (of all ages)
around the world can safely meet each other, and participate in discussions,
interactive learning projects, and activities that meet their needs.
The mission of Youth Entertainment
Studios is to empower inner-city youth to become leaders of character,
vision and action
in their communities by challenging their creativity and equipping them with
practical, confidence-building media production and marketing skills.
PeaceJam is an
international education program built around leading Nobel Peace Laureates who
work personally with youth to pass on the spirit, skills, and wisdom they
The fulfillment of this Sacred Prophecy is
the intention of Seven Winds; to provide land, facilities and programs to
manifest the closure of the hoop and the fulfillment of these prophecies for the
future seven generations of our children.
The International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR) is an
international, spiritually-based movement composed of people who, from the basis
of a belief in the power of love and truth to create justice and restore
community, commit themselves to active nonviolence as a way of life and as a
means of transformation-personal, social, economic and political.
Empowering youth to build global networks of friends
is the leading Youth Work community for young people and Youth Workers using the
Internet for learning. The project is managed by UK Youth
and is part of The National Grid for Learning.
The European Commission maintains this website to
enhance public access to information about its initiatives and European Union
policies in general. Our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate.
Let us know what you think or share other links you feel can help broaden
our scope.
First and Last Freedom
transform the world, we must begin with ourselves; and what is important in
beginning with ourselves is the intention. The intention must be to understand
ourselves and not to leave it to others to transform themselves… This is our
responsibility, yours and mine, because however small may be the world we live
in, if we can bring about a radically different point of view in our daily
existence, then perhaps we shall affect the world at large.
J. Krishnamurti